- 视讯 video
- 讯号 signal
- 有关此选项的更多信息,请参见Turning off the Activate When Visible Option。 See Turning off the Activate When Visible Option for more information about this option.
- 问讯 ask
- Tet-off Tet-off
- 影讯 movie news
- Off病毒 contagious Ecthyma
- 本报讯 it is reported
- 耶稣被钉死在十字架上。与the连用 The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- ON-OFF模型 ON-OFFmodel
- THE蛋白 THE gene
- 咨讯 information
- “on-off”问题 "on-off" problem
- 光学传递函数(OFF) optical transter function(OTF)
- 报讯 alarm
- TDS连接的缺省值是OFF。 The default for TDS connections is OFF.
- 和讯网 Homeway.com
- 继电器控制输出ON OFF带回差 Relay control output - ON OFF with return difference
- 聆讯 interrogation
- 可以将触发器执行设置为ON或OFF Trigger execution can be set ON or OFF